Clerihan Community Text Alert

Clerihan Text Alert Guidelines.


  • If you see something suspicious, strange van or car, strangers on foot etc ring the Gardai at the Text Alert Number 052- 6177640
  • Inform the Garda you speak to that you are ringing from the Clerihan Community Text Alert group (so the Gardai know which group they need to send the text to if warranted).
  • Give as much detail as possible to the Garda you speak to, including location of suspicious activity, van or car type, colour and registration if noted or number of individuals and how they were dressed if no car or van involved.
  • Get the Garda’s name so that you can check back later if no text issues and the Garda has not contacted you to inform you why no text issued. Note: In most cases where text does not issue it is because the Gardai have identified owner of the car or van and are satisfied that there is no cause for concern.
  • Keep safe and alert at all times.

Further Information

Text Alert Terminology: Due to constraints on number of characters that can be used in texts the following truncated terminology can sometimes be used when issuing alerts.

Text Meaning Text Meaning
4 The number 4 of the word “for” info information
2 The number 2 of the word “to” klo Keep a lookout
2day today msg message
2moro tomorrow mtg meeting
add address mth month
aka also known as pls please
asap as soon as possible ppl people
b be r are
b4 before rgds regards
btwn between sl something like
btw by the way sum1 someone
c see tel telephone
eta estimated time of arrival thr4 therefore
etd estimated time of departure u you
every1 everyone ur your
fwd forward w/o without
fyi for your information wknd weekend

A community website for Clerihan.